FASHION SALE !! BIG DISC 40 - 70 % click to zoom
Ditambahkan 4/10/2014
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Review FASHION SALE !! BIG DISC 40 - 70 %


SALE !!!Cuci gudang koleksi fashion terbaik kami.
Big Discount 20 - 70%.

GAMIS SYARi jersey Rp 185.000  Disc 25% ( SOLD )

 GAMIS SYARI cerruti Rp 225.000 disc 25%

Maxi Stripe chiffon Rp 95.000 disc 20% ( SOLD )

Songket Lace Gown size M-L by Roemah Fashion 
IDR  Rp 295.000 Disc 45% 

Songket Lace Gown peplum size L - XL by Roemah Fashion
  IDR  Rp 295.000 Disc 45% ( hanya dibuat 1 )

SATIN LACE GOWN lady With peplum by Roemah Fashion 
Rp 475.000 Disc 50% ( hanya dibuat 1 pcs)

                                     Tunik Chiffon rose purple     Tunik Chiffon rose black
                                    IDR 185.000 Now ! Disc 45 %, design by windye fashion

Blouse Queen Grey, White size L IDR 135.000, Now IDR 50.000
Batik Skirt Merah  IDR 195.000, Now Disc 40%
limited by windye fashion

Batik Skirt Megamendung coklat, grey 
IDR 195.000, Now !! Disc 40%   ( SOLD )

Layer Skirt by Roemah Fashion, material jersey
IDR 230.000, Now !! Disc 55 %

Rok songket free size fit M- XL ( SOLD )
IDR 135.000, Now Disc 50%

DRESS lukis Rp 350.000 Disc 50%
( material : chiffon casionic, Belt swarosvki, free size M-L besar)

Merah Sold

Mukena Lukis Type Selaras Rp 300.0000 Disc 25%
( bahan spandek sutera)

Mukena Lukis spandek ( SOLD)Rp 250.0000 Disc 20%

Muken Lukis Type Harmoni Rp 350.000 Disc 25%
( bahan spandeks sutra )

Mukena Lukis Type Beauty Rp 400.000 Disc 40%

Gamis Mukena Swarosvki Rp 300.000 Disc 35%

Mukena Polos Jersey Rp 225.000 Disc 50%

Batwing tie dye BLouse Rp 285.000 Disc 65%

Tie Dye Blouse Rp 275.000 Disc 70%

                                          Blue Sold
Tie Dye Cardigant  Batwing Rp 275.000 Disc 65 %

                                       Grey SOLD
Twist Vest Cardigan Rp 325.000  Disc 70%

Kullot Classic Rp 295.000 Disc 70%

Kullot RP 350.000 Disc 50%

Kullot Rp 325.000 Disc 60%

Hareem Classic Rp 300.000 Disc 70%.

Legging Rp 225.000  Disc 65 %


Skirt Dress Rp  285.000  Disc 70%

Thai Skirt Rp 350.000. Disc 70%

Maxi Dress Rp 375.000 disc 50%

Maxi Dress Ethnic Rp 450.000 Disc 50%

Kaftan Rp 425.000  Disc 70%
